Session on Role of Teachers in Nation Building

An interactive session on the “Role of Teachers in Nation Building” was held in the Executive Lecture Theatre of DHA Suffa University on September 30, 2020. The session was conducted by Vice Admiral (R) Syed Arifullah Hussaini, HI(M), President Nation Building Initiative, a society formed to unify the people of Pakistan through social harmony and economic growth.

Vice Admiral (R) Syed Arifullah Hussaini discussed the importance of teachers aligning their individual purposes of life with the purpose of their institutions, and ultimately the nation, in order to inculcate an altruistic mindset in students. He spoke about creating an enabling environment for the people, institutions and the government to work in synergy for a common purpose. He particularly emphasized on understanding, living by and promoting the Constitution and National Anthem of Pakistan by implementing it in our daily lives.

Sharing real-life anecdotes, Vice Admiral (R) Syed Arifullah Hussaini motivated the audience to implement the Constitution of Pakistan in true letter and spirit in order to build a prosperous nation. It was evident from the active participation of the audience that they found the session to be extremely beneficial. In the end, Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, Vice Chancellor, DHA Suffa University, presented a shield and a certificate to the speaker as a token of appreciation.





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