SheCan – Women Entrepreneurs Workshop organized by The Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center (CEID) at DHA Suffa University (DSU) kicked-off on 5th August 2021 with a lot of enthusiasm by the participants and high hopes to start their dream business. The workshop started with an introduction followed by a briefing on the workshop plan. An icebreaking activity was conducted which served as an energizing booster for the participants. This activity helped participants to open up with lots of creative ideas sharing with each other in a friendly manner.
Initially the participants had queries as to how to take the first step to start their business. All their confusions were addressed by sharing stories of successful entrepreneurs combined with detailed discussion on the Ideation process.
Majority of the participants did not know where to start their businesses from, but the workshop facilitator, Ms. Eram Abbasi painted the picture of ideation process in such a way that all participants very excitedly started working on refining their idea. All the queries and puzzlements by the participants were addressed through this highly interactive session.
Successful women entrepreneurs were invited to share their success stories. Ms. Nadia Makhdumi, running her home based business as a nutritionist was invited to share her inspiring entrepreneurial journey and also share some tips for the participants on starting a home based business. She shared lots of tips about adjusting to the situations life throws at you and being patient and calm while learning and growing through new experiences. Another guest speaker Ms. Kanwal Gohar (Alumni of DSU) joined very soon to talk about her business journey. As she started her business during the pandemic situation, she had an exciting story to share regarding the challenges she had to face, and the lessons she learnt throughout.
After the inspiring stories another activity was carried out with the participants which further helped them refine their business ideas.
Dr. Farah Essa, President of Open Karachi was invited to inspire the participants. OPEN being an international platform for businesses to grow, Dr. Farah shared details about how OPEN facilitates entrepreneurs. She supported home-based-women-run businesses by motivating them to not only start their business but also strive to take their business global.
Finally, to end the session an exciting home activity was assigned to the participants. By the end of the session all the participants were highly motivated and energized to start their dream business come to life.