Dr. Ahmad Bilal Bs Data Science Incharge
Dr. Ahmad Bilal
Bs Data Science Incharge
Academic Background:
- Ph.D. (Computer Science), Nanjing University of Aeronautics. Nanjing, China
- MS (Computer Science), U.A.F. Faisalabad
- BS(Information Technology), A.I.O.U. Islamabad
Research Interests:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Data Analytics
- Deep learning
- Intrusion detection system for WSN
- Bilal, A., Hasany, S.M.N.,Pitafi, A.H.: Effective modelling of sinkhole detection algorithm for edge-based Internet of Things (IoT) sensing devices. IET Commun. 1–11 (2022).
- Ahmad, Bilal; Jian, Wang, “Classification of DoS Attacks in Smart Underwater Wireless Sensor Network” Wireless Personal Communications,2019
- Bilal Ahmad, Wang Jian “Role of Machine Learning and Data mining for Internet Security – Standing State with Future Directions” Hindawi, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2018
- Ahmad, Bilal; Jian, Wang; Ali, “Hybrid Anomaly Detection by Using Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network” Wireless Personal Communications, p 1-13, April 16, 2018
- Ahmad, Jian, Wang; Shafiq, Muhammad “Intrusion detection by using hybrid of decision tree and K-nearest neighbor” International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 2016
- Ahmad, Bilal Jian, Wang; Hassan, Bilal “Hybrid intrusion detection method to increase anomaly detection by using data mining techniques” International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 2016
- SSUET, Karachi (Asst. Professor 2 Years)
- NUAA China (Lecturer 1 Year)
- Beaconhouse (IT Teacher 4.5 Years)
Email: ahmad.bilal@dsu.edu.pk